Time to Slow Down
August 15 is National Relaxation Day! That really made us pause here at Polished Prints because like most women, we often forget to take time for ourselves. Relaxation is not just about sitting down to do nothing, but it is a time to reframe our mindset so the every day stressors don’t seem so overwhelming.
When we think of reframing our mindset and the mind-body connection, we don’t know anyone that does it better than Kristina of @midwestyogagirl. She’s not only a lead yoga teacher, but she is also a momma to the cutest little boy. So, we asked Kristina to guest blog today to help us all R-E-L-A-X.
Check out her inspiring words below- and be sure to let us know how you will relax today and every day!
YES you can R-E-L-A-X!
Relaxation is an activity and a mindset, it’s becoming less tense in the moment so we can be present and live lightly—not grasp so tightly...here are 5 ways to tap in and find some relaxation in your daily life.
Read Something Inspiring. Take time to read an inspirational book, a daily devotional, or a biography/memoir of someone you admire. Time to read, ideally screen free, encourages intellectual and spiritual self-care, nourishing your spirit to motivate you onward.
Exhale Fully. Notice your breath and focus on really emptying your lungs completely, clearing out stale air so you can make room for fresh oxygen with each inhale. Set aside time to take a few intentional rounds of breath in this or use this practice in the moment for a quick reset.
Lie down. Get horizontal, maybe even on the ground, and allow your body to stretch out and be supported. If you have time, take a nap or practice a progressive relaxation meditation.
Ask for help. Find one thing you could let go of, or get someone else to help with, so that you can have less on your plate to stress about.
X-ercise. Get moving! Go for a walk, do jumping jacks, strike a pose or get upside down. even a little movement matters to release muscular tension and regulate heart rate to relieve stress. bonus points if it’s outside!
What ever you do, be sure to build moments to R-E-L-A-X in to your life often, more than just today for National Relaxation Day!
Kristina Reese (E-RYT200, RYT500) is a yogi, teacher, mother, and creator based in the heart of the Midwest. Her passion is to help others connect with their inner teacher, finding what they seek— ideally with a smile. Join her in studio at Hatha Yoga & Fitness or online at www.kristinareeseyoga.com and Instagram @midwestyogagirl.
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